Telegram founder Pavel Durov has announced a series of measures aimed at combating the misuse of the messaging app’s powerful search function. In a recent post on his personal channel, Durov stated that users who violate Telegram’s terms of service may face significant consequences, including the potential disclosure of their personal information.
Durov explained that while Telegram’s search feature is intended to help users connect with friends and discover news, it has been exploited by some individuals to promote illegal goods. To address this issue, the platform has taken several steps:
- Enhanced AI-powered security: A dedicated team of moderators, utilizing artificial intelligence, has significantly improved the safety of Telegram Search, making it more difficult for harmful content to be accessible.
- Improved reporting system: Users who encounter unsafe or illegal content in Telegram Search are encouraged to report it to the platform via @SearchReport.
- Updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: Telegram has clarified its policies to ensure that users who violate its rules may face consequences, including the potential disclosure of their IP addresses and phone numbers to relevant authorities upon legal request.